Fatal Incident reports
This is a searchable record of the PPO’s fatal incident investigation final reports. These are published on our website after they have been shared with the family of the deceased person, and the Coroner’s inquest has taken place.
For deaths after 1 March 2015, the name of the deceased is included in the report, with all other names anonymised to protect the privacy of the individuals concerned.
For reports uploaded from 30 May 2023, the report summary tile on the website also includes the name of the deceased (if over 18) and the date the inquest concluded (if an inquest took place). The inquest details are provided to the PPO by the Coroner’s office.
When searching the reports, you can use the filters to limit the display to specific cases and use the sort buttons to reorder the reports, either by date of death or date of publication.
If you would like an update on a report that you cannot find or if you have any questions, please email: ppocomms@ppo.gov.uk